{ # /***** /****** /**** # |* *| |* | |* **** ** ***** |* | /* * # |* *| |* | |* /* /* * |* | |* | |* # |*****/ |* | |* **** /* * |* / |* | ****** # | |* | |* | ****** ***** |* | | # | |* | |* * | |* | |* * |* | * | # | **** ***** **** |* | |* * ****** ***** # # ========================================================================== # This is Cantabrigian's Pulsar configuration flake for hosting web services. # It is passed into the PulsarOS configuration flake to build the server. # You should include a specific version of this flake as an input # in the server configuration flake and pipe its output to the `make` # function to build the system. description = "Pulsar configuration flake for Atlantic"; inputs = { # PulsarOS uses the latest nixpkgs channel, # so new (but somewhat? stable) packages are used by default. nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-24.11-small"; }; outputs = { nixpkgs, ... }: rec { # Primary user configuration hostname = "cantabrigian"; # Identify the system for networking tasks user = "bricks"; # Login username of primary runner name = "Brick Suit"; # Full name of primary user # Git configuration git = { name = "Ananth Venkatesh"; email = "ananthv@mit.edu"; }; # Meta configuration flake = "/home/${user}/git/forgejo/ananthv/nixos-athena"; # Import hardware scan (device-specific) hardware = import ./hardware-configuration.nix; hyprland.monitors = [ ]; # Internationalization properties locale = "en_US.UTF-8"; # Power-efficient NVIDIA GPU settings graphics = { opengl = true; nvidia.enabled = false; }; # System overrides overrides = [ ]; homeOverrides = [ ]; # Custom packages systemPackages = pkgs: with pkgs; [ hello ]; homePackages = pkgs: with pkgs; [ hello-wayland ]; # Hydra and Cachix hydra.enabled = false; cachix = false; # Enforce defaults system = "x86_64-linux"; kernel = "zen"; secureboot.enabled = false; stateVersion = "24.11"; autoLogin = false; ssh.enabled = true; hyprland.mod = "SUPER"; audio.jack = false; ollama = false; formatter.x86_64-linux = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.x86_64-linux.nixfmt-rfc-style; }; }