feat: add about page

This commit is contained in:
Ananth Venkatesh 2025-02-16 00:07:02 -05:00
parent 48e8c0d399
commit 595f7ddceb
Signed by: ananthv
GPG key ID: 4BB578E748CFE4FF
4 changed files with 231 additions and 1 deletions

assets/img/map.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.5 MiB

assets/img/night.jpg Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 1.1 MiB

assets/img/sunrise.jpg Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 1.2 MiB

View file

@ -486,6 +486,7 @@ sitemap =
Dict.fromList Dict.fromList
(itemize ([ "/", "/index.html" ] ++ getPaths "src" ++ getPaths "index" ++ getPaths "home") pageHome (itemize ([ "/", "/index.html" ] ++ getPaths "src" ++ getPaths "index" ++ getPaths "home") pageHome
++ itemize (getPaths "entries") pageEntries ++ itemize (getPaths "entries") pageEntries
++ itemize (getPaths "about") pageAbout
) )
@ -724,6 +725,163 @@ pageHome model =
] ]
pageAbout : Model -> List (Html Msg)
pageAbout model =
[ Element.layout
[ width fill
(column [ width fill ]
[ column
[ width fill
, height fill
, spacing (vh2pt model -100)
, id "zero"
[ el
[ width fill
, height (vh2px model 100)
, Background.color black
, animatedEl crossfadeIn
[ width fill
, height (vh2px model 100)
, Background.gradient { angle = 45, steps = [ rgb255 255 0 140, rgb255 40 0 255 ] }
, animatedEl crossfadeOut
[ width fill
, height (vh2px model 100)
, Background.gradient { angle = 0, steps = [ rgb255 0 140 255, rgb255 0 150 25 ] }
, el
([ alignLeft
, alignTop
, width (vw2px model 50)
, height (vh2px model 100)
, paddingEach
{ top = vh2pt model 20 - 96
, bottom = 0
, left = vw2pt model 10
, right = 0
++ heading
[ spacing 35
[ menu model
, text "Access"
, column [ spacing 15 ]
[ row
[ spacing 15 ]
[ linkBtnInt " Back" "/"
, btn "Directions" (Scroll "one")
, row [ spacing 15 ]
[ btn "Facilities" (Scroll "two")
, btn "Web Accessibility" (Scroll "three")
, el
[ alignRight
, alignTop
, width (vw2px model 60)
, height (vh2px model 100)
, paddingEach
{ top = vh2pt model 25
, bottom = vh2pt model 25
, left = 0
, right = 0
(view3DWalk model)
, column
(page model ++ [ id "one" ])
[ image (fullImage model)
{ src = "../assets/img/map.png"
, description = "mit campus map with pin at macgregor house"
, column (pageText model)
[ row [ spacing 10 ]
[ btn "" (Scroll "zero")
, btn "" (Scroll "two")
, paragraph
[ text "Directions" ]
, paragraph bodyText
[ text "MacGregor's address is "
, paragraph [ Font.bold ] [ text "450 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA 02139" ]
, text ". It is building number "
, paragraph [ Font.bold ] [ text "W61" ]
, text " on the "
, inlineLink "MIT campus" "https://whereis.mit.edu/?go=W61"
, text ". See the "
, inlineLink "OpenStreetMaps identifier" "https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/1246607679"
, text " for directions and more information. If you are mailing a package to a MacGregor resident, follow the directions listed on the "
, inlineLink "MIT DSL site" "https://studentlife.mit.edu/housing/undergraduate-housing/mailing-shipping-information"
, text "."
, column
(page model ++ [ id "two" ])
[ image (fullImage model)
{ src = "../assets/img/night.jpg"
, description = "looking out into the starry night from the second floor patio"
, column (pageText model)
[ row [ spacing 10 ]
[ btn "" (Scroll "one")
, btn "" (Scroll "three")
, paragraph subheading [ text "Facilities and Information" ]
, paragraph bodyText
[ text "MacGregor's main facilities are all located on the ground floor. They include a central courtyard, conference/seminar room, music practice room, two laundry rooms, gym, ice machine, game room with a black and white and color printer and an Athena computing cluster, and dining room with a dance studio. All of these facilities are available to residents at any time except when they are being used for "
, inlineLink "events" "https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=c_c9fb13003264d5becb74cf9ba42a087d8a4a180d927441994458a07ac146eb88%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America%2FNew_York"
, text "."
, paragraph bodyText
[ text "You can ask the front desk for a key to access the music practice room. Printers in MacGregor can be located "
, inlineLink "here" "https://print.mit.edu"
, text " (search for W61). Laundry uses the "
, inlineLink "CSCGo app" "https://mycscgo.com/laundry"
, text " for payments (approximately $1.25 for a single wash or dry cycle). You can learn more about MacGregor "
, inlineLink "here" "https://mitguidetoresidences.mit.edu/residences/macgregor-house"
, text "."
, column
(page model ++ [ id "three" ])
[ image (fullImage model)
{ src = "../assets/img/sunrise.jpg"
, description = "sunrise over back bay, boston, as seen from macgregor south side entrance"
, column (pageText model)
[ row [ spacing 10 ]
[ btn "" (Scroll "two")
, btn "Top" (Scroll "zero")
, paragraph subheading [ text "Accessibility is our highest priority." ]
, paragraph bodyText
[ text "If you're experiencing issues viewing or interacting with parts of this website, please do not hesitate to "
, inlineLink "contact the webmaster" "mailto:ananthv@mit.edu"
, text " at any time. We strive to make the story of MacGregor widely accessible to the general public, and we value your input and community support in achieving that goal."
pageEntries : Model -> List (Html Msg) pageEntries : Model -> List (Html Msg)
pageEntries model = pageEntries model =
[ Element.layout [ Element.layout
@ -1092,7 +1250,7 @@ pageEntries model =
[ column (pageText model) [ column (pageText model)
[ row [ spacing 10 ] [ row [ spacing 10 ]
[ btn "" (ScrollToEntry "G") [ btn "" (ScrollToEntry "G")
, btn "TOP" (ScrollToEntry "zero") , btn "Top" (ScrollToEntry "zero")
] ]
, paragraph , paragraph
subheading subheading
@ -1540,6 +1698,78 @@ view3DTower model =
) )
view3DWalk : Model -> Element msg
view3DWalk model =
entity : Entity Obj.Decode.ObjCoordinates
entity =
case model.mesh of
Nothing ->
Scene3d.mesh (Material.matte (Color.rgb255 173 111 101)) pyramidMesh
Just mesh ->
case model.textures of
Nothing ->
Scene3d.mesh (Material.matte (Color.rgb255 173 111 101)) (Mesh.texturedFacets mesh)
Just textures ->
Scene3d.mesh textures (Mesh.texturedFacets mesh)
camera : Camera3d.Camera3d Length.Meters coordinates
camera =
phi : Float
phi =
180 * frac (model.angle / 180)
winding : Float
winding =
360 * frac (model.angle / 360)
direction : Float
direction =
abs (180 - winding) / (180 - winding)
interp : Float -> Float -> Angle.Angle
interp a b =
(if direction > 0 then
a + (b - a) * phi / 180
b + (a - b) * phi / 180
{ viewpoint =
{ focalPoint = Point3d.origin
, eyePoint =
theta : Angle.Angle
theta =
interp -90 90
Point3d.meters (model.radius * Angle.cos theta) model.elevation (model.radius * Angle.sin theta)
, upDirection = Direction3d.xy (interp (90 + 45) (90 - 45))
, verticalFieldOfView = Angle.degrees 60
{ entities = [ entity ]
, camera = camera
, upDirection = Direction3d.z
, sunlightDirection = Direction3d.yz (Angle.degrees -120)
, background = Scene3d.transparentBackground
, clipDepth = Length.centimeters 1
, shadows = False
, dimensions = ( Pixels.int (round (vw model 60)), Pixels.int (round (vh model 100)) )
crossfadeIn : Animation crossfadeIn : Animation
crossfadeIn = crossfadeIn =
Animation.fromTo Animation.fromTo