feat: finish colophon
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 170 additions and 1 deletions
@ -490,6 +490,7 @@ sitemap =
(itemize ([ "/", "/index.html" ] ++ getPaths "src" ++ getPaths "index" ++ getPaths "home") pageHome
++ itemize (getPaths "entries") pageEntries
++ itemize (getPaths "about") pageAbout
++ itemize (getPaths "colophon") colophon
@ -1365,6 +1366,125 @@ notFound model =
colophon : Model -> List (Html Msg)
colophon model =
[ Element.layout
[ width fill ]
(column [ width fill ]
[ column
[ width fill
, height fill
, spacing (vh2pt model -100)
[ el
[ width fill
, height (vh2px model 100)
, Background.color black
, animatedEl crossfadeIn
[ width fill
, height (vh2px model 100)
, Background.gradient { angle = 45, steps = [ rgb255 100 200 0, rgb255 200 100 0 ] }
, animatedEl crossfadeOut
[ width fill
, height (vh2px model 100)
, Background.gradient { angle = 45, steps = [ rgb255 0 150 50, rgb255 0 50 150 ] }
, el
([ alignLeft
, alignTop
, width (vw2px model 50)
, height (vh2px model 100)
, paddingEach
{ top = vh2pt model 25 - 96
, bottom = 0
, left = vw2pt model 10
, right = 0
, id "zero"
++ heading
[ spacing 35
[ text "Colophon."
, row [ spacing 15 ]
[ linkBtnInt "← Back" "/"
, linkBtn "Source" "https://forgejo.mit.edu/ananthv/macgregor"
, btn "Literature" (Scroll "one")
, paragraph (bodyText ++ [ Font.size 24, width (vw2px model 70) ])
[ text "You may be wondering why a website (especially this one) has a colophon, which is typically reserved for books and other seemingly serious publications." ]
, paragraph (bodyText ++ [ width (vw2px model 70) ])
[ text "This section exists to highlight our principles of development. This entire site, and most software components that it relies on ("
, inlineLink "Elm" "https://seas.harvard.edu/news/2015/10/alumni-profile-evan-czaplicki-ab-12"
, text ", "
, inlineLink "MIT Forgejo instance" "https://forgejo.mit.edu/"
, text ", "
, inlineLink "Athena servers" "https://ist.mit.edu/athena"
, text ", "
, inlineLink "software licensing" "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License"
, text ", among others) was built in "
, paragraph [ Font.bold ] [ text "Cambridge, MA" ]
, text ". We make every effort possible to source "
, paragraph [ Font.bold ] [ text "local, free, and open-source software" ]
, text " and other infrastructure. We adhere strictly to the principles of "
, paragraph [ Font.bold ] [ inlineLink "free software" "https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html" ]
, text " (\"free\" as in \"freedom\"). This entire website is designed in a "
, inlineLink "purely functional" "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Functional_programming"
, text " language and built using a purely functional "
, inlineLink "build tool" "https://nixos.org/"
, text " with provable reproducibility. In doing so, we build on decades of academic research to create a website that will survive the next generation of the internet. You can review some of the relevant literature involved in designing this website below."
, column
(page model ++ [ id "one", Background.color (rgb255 173 111 101) ])
[ column (pageText model)
[ row [ spacing 10 ]
[ btn "↑" (Scroll "zero")
, btn "↓" (Scroll "two")
, paragraph
[ text "Relevant literature" ]
, paragraph bodyText
[ text "Here is a sampling of the most relevant papers referenced in the most recent redesign of this website: (1) "
, inlineLink "\"Elm: Concurrent FRP for Functional GUIs\"" "https://elm-lang.org/assets/papers/concurrent-frp.pdf"
, text ", (2) "
, inlineLink "\"NeRF: Representing Scenes as Neural Radiance Fields for View Synthesis\"" "https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.08934"
, text ", (3) "
, inlineLink "\"The Purely Functional Software Deployment Model\"" "https://edolstra.github.io/pubs/phd-thesis.pdf"
, text ", (4) "
, inlineLink "\"Asynchronous Functional Reactive Programming for GUIs\"" "https://people.seas.harvard.edu/~chong/pubs/pldi13-elm.pdf"
, text ". Note that all these papers are "
, paragraph [ Font.bold ] [ text "open access" ]
, text " because we refuse to compromise our fundamental principles."
, column
[ id "two", Background.color (rgb255 200 50 150), width fill, height (vh2px model 100) ]
[ el
[ alignLeft
, alignTop
, width (vw2px model 100)
, height (vh2px model 100)
, padding 0
(spin3D model)
pyramidMesh : Mesh.Uniform coordinates
pyramidMesh =
@ -1415,6 +1535,55 @@ pyramidMesh =
Mesh.indexedFacets triangularMesh
spin3D : Model -> Element msg
spin3D model =
entity : Entity Obj.Decode.ObjCoordinates
entity =
case model.mesh of
Nothing ->
Scene3d.mesh (Material.matte (Color.rgb255 173 111 101)) pyramidMesh
Just mesh ->
case model.textures of
Nothing ->
Scene3d.mesh (Material.matte (Color.rgb255 173 111 101)) (Mesh.texturedFacets mesh)
Just textures ->
Scene3d.mesh textures (Mesh.texturedFacets mesh)
camera : Camera3d.Camera3d Length.Meters coordinates
camera =
{ viewpoint =
{ focalPoint = Point3d.origin
, eyePoint =
theta : Angle.Angle
theta =
Angle.degrees (3 * model.angle)
Point3d.meters (model.radius * Angle.cos theta) 7 (-model.radius * Angle.sin theta)
, upDirection = Direction3d.xy (Angle.degrees 90)
, verticalFieldOfView = Angle.degrees 90
{ entities = [ entity ]
, camera = camera
, upDirection = Direction3d.x
, sunlightDirection = Direction3d.yz (Angle.degrees -120)
, background = Scene3d.transparentBackground
, clipDepth = Length.centimeters 1
, shadows = False
, dimensions = ( Pixels.int (round (vw model 100)), Pixels.int (round (vh model 100)) )
view3D : Model -> Element msg
view3D model =
@ -1487,7 +1656,7 @@ view3DColors model =
theta : Angle.Angle
theta =
Angle.degrees (5 / 2 * model.angle)
Angle.degrees (2 * model.angle)
Point3d.meters (10 * Angle.cos theta) 2 (10 * Angle.sin theta)
, upDirection = Direction3d.xy (Angle.degrees 90)
Reference in a new issue